How To Find The DTI Hot Dog And Cupcake Costume After The Valentine’s Update

During the Dress To Impress Valentine’s Update (part one), the whole map got a redesign, with everything being moved around.

Everything is now more organized, with clear sections of items like tops, jewelry, bags and hats, but where are the Dress To Impress hotdog and cupcake costumes now post-update? Keep on reading to find out…

How To Find The DTI Hot Dog And Cupcake Costume After The Valentine's Update

If you like using the hot dog costume or the cupcake costume, you might be wondering where they both are now?

Before the map redesign, you could find both the cupcake and hot dog in the plant pot next to the VIP entrance, but they’re now somewhere completely different.

They weren’t in the most easy-to-find locations, and if you’re playing a normal round, you don’t want to be walking around the map trying to find their new location, and they’re both in completely different places now, so you need to know where they are…

How To Find The DTI Hot Dog And Cupcake Costume After The Valentine's Update

Starting with the cupcake costume, it’s laying on the wooden floor, next to the flower planter at the entrance of Lana’s salon.

It’s underneath the image on the wall of the DTI model wearing the Queen Of Hearts Robux outfit, just next to the steps up to the salon.

You just need to click the tiny cupcake icon on the floor, and it’ll equip the cupcake costume.

How To Find The DTI Hot Dog And Cupcake Costume After The Valentine's Update

As I mentioned above, the hot dog is in a completely different place to the cupcake.

If you want the hot dog costume, it’s a tiny little hot dog on the floor, and next to a big flower planter in front of the scarves, tie and neck ties section in the non-VIP section.

Again, if you want to equip the hot dog costume, just click the tiny hot dog on the floor, and it’ll equip the costume.

They’ll probably get moved around again, whenever there’s a big update, but for now, that’s where you can find both the hot dog and the cupcake costumes in DTI.

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