Today, Dress To Impress finally launched the new Style Showdown gameplay mode, after teasing it since the beginning of January.
It was supposed to launch on February 8th, and then February 15th, but it was postponed both times, and pushed back to a third date of March 1st.
It has now officially launched, and after playing for a few hours, I’ve got lots of tips to share, plus, to celebrate the launch, I’m going to be gifting free VIP to three different players. Keep on reading to find out more…
What Is Dress To Impress Style Showdown?
Style Showdown is a completely new gameplay mode, which is totally different to the usual way we play Dress To Impress.
Normally, you join a server, and play with upto 12 other players, creating an outfit in 6 mins for a specific theme.
You then get to walk down the runway, while the other 12 players vote 1-5 stars for you, and the top 3 voted players end up on the podium.
Well, Style Showdown is totally different, and it feels really refreshing compared to the normal way of playing.
How To Access Dress To Impress Style Showdown
You enter Dress To Impress like normal, and you can access Style Showdown by clicking on the little heart on the bottom bar with a settings cog in the center, and then clicking the “Style Showdown” purple button, or you can click the Style Showdown circular button on the right side of the screen.
This will automatically teleport you to the Style Showdown Lobby, where you’ll be in a room of players in Roblox Avatars (not DTI body shapes like a normal DTI lobby).
Here, you’ll see a stage under the heart archway, and you’ll see a counter above the stage, letting you know how many players are ready for the next game, and how many seconds until the game starts.
Each round of Style Showdown can take up to 10 players, so you’ll see a number like “3/10” to let you know how many spare slots there are, and if you want to play, you just walk onto the stage, and you’ll be automatically teleported to a Style Showdown once the players are 10/10, or the timer hits zero.
What Happens When You Enter Style Showdown?
Once you walk onto the stage, you’ll be taken with the other players on the stage, to a brand new Style Showdown competition, and you’ll appear in a new mini lobby.
You’ll have to wait 19 seconds while the lobby fills up with the players that were originally on the stage, and once that timer hits zero, a video of Lana explaining Style Showdown will appear, with a skip button if you don’t want to hear the intro.
You’ll again appear in that mini lobby, where there will be an obby you can complete for in-game currency, and after 5 seconds, Lana announces the theme for the first round, and the theme will appear in the center of the screen, and stays at the top of the screen in the pink bar, just like the normal version of DTI.
The round will then start, and you’ll find yourself in a much smaller map with no VIP department and no dressing rooms.
You cannot use any of your dressing room items, no currency items and no seasonal items you’ve won in quests etc.
You’re only allowed to use the items in the room, but there is a little circular display of VIP-only items, so if you do have VIP, you have access to *some* VIP items, but not a lot.
The inventory you can choose from is very limited, and you have to kinda relearn where everything is, because it’s different to the normal DTI map.
Also, the items that appear for each round to change round-to-round, so items you get in your first round won’t necessarily be available in your second round.
Here’s an idea of how much smaller the room is, it really is tiny, and everyone’s running round chaotically trying to color their outfits.
My first recommendation, is, once you’ve got your items you want for your outfit, go into the salon and stand behind the wall where the Lana Forest Dress is usually kept, as it gives you a little privacy while designing your outfit, so people don’t just copy your outfit.
I also highly recommend, if you have custom makeup, to click the toggle that lets you change your skintone when selecting a premade custom makeup face, so you can skip the skin changing boots entirely, as you have such a limited time to get the items together.
In a normal round, you have just 3 minutes to do your entire outfit. That includes hair, makeup, nails and outfit.
I would recommend using a nude color for your nails, because you don’t necessarily have to change your nails with every round.
The camera doesn’t zoom in on your nails like it does in normal DTI, so as long as you don’t have lime green nails for a coquette theme, nude nails just go with everything.
If you have extra time at the end, you could always whizz yourself over to Lana to choose a color to match your outfit.
What Are The Dress To Impress Style Showdown Challenge Modes?
There are 8 “challenges” within Style Showdown, and the challenges involve the round stage and voting stage. I’ll explain them all for you…
Random Item
This is a round challenge, and it’ll announce at the top of the screen if it’s triggered, and it means you’ll be forced to wear a single item.
It’ll automatically be equipped to your model, and you cannot remove it, so you have no choice other than to style it.
I’ve had this three times, and all three times the “random item” was a scarf, which is quite easy to work into any outfit, but you cannot do anything other than incorporate the “random item” into your outfit.
Limited Items
This is SO hard, and again it’ll announce at the top of the screen if it’s triggered, and it means you can only wear SIX ITEMS TOTAL.
That includes hair, shoes, clothes and accessories, so you have to be really careful which what you choose.
Everyone has to complete a whole outfit with only 6 items, and it really is tough, but as we all have the same challenge, it means everyone’s outfits are going to be super simple too.
Item Lock
Another round challenge, and again it’ll announce at the top of the screen if it’s triggered.
This one is a killer, and it means you cannot remove ANY items you equip.
Accidentally clicked on a pair of jeans for an Award Night theme? Tough! You cannot remove a single item once you’ve clicked it, so be very careful not to click on anything by accident.
If you try and remove anything, you’ll get a warning at the top telling you can only remove this item in the next round.
Immunity Idol
This is a voting round challenge, and you can purchase Immunity Idol for 249 Robux (ouch).
If you purchase Immunity Idol, Lana will ask at different points of the voting stages, if anyone wants to use their Immunity Idol, and you can click “use Immunity” if you’re purchased it.
I tried it, and it just means you’re automatically put through to the next round.
It is $249 Robux to get through ONE round, and it could potentially be 5 rounds if nobody leaves early, so it’s hecking expensive.
Double Elimination
For each round, only one player will be eliminated, and once eliminated, the player falls through the floor via a trap door.
If Double Elimination is triggered, two players are kicked out of the competition together.
Speed Round
The Speed Round challenge is another round challenge, and it will appear at the top as an announcement, and it means instead of 3 minutes, you get only 1 minute 30 seconds to complete your entire outfit, hair, makeup and nails.
It is SO hard, and for one of my rounds, it was Divine Being, and it was so hard in 90 seconds. Again, everyone’s in the same situation, so we all have the same simplistic outfits, which makes it better, as you’re not up against a layering queen with 100 items.
Vote Reveal
This is a very awkward voting challenge, and at random points, Lana announces “vote reveal” time, where she’ll tell everyone the votes each player did.
It’s so awkward, but in a positive way, you can see which players are teaming (more on that later), and it means you can be tactical with your votes going forward.
Lana goes from player-to-player announcing which votes you gave.
Pose Sync
If there’s a tie situation with the votes, Lana will announce a Pose Sync battle between the two players with the lowest votes (the lowest stars from the players) and the two lowest star players will have to do a Pose Sync, which I think is super easy on an iPad/iPhone/tablet, but perhaps difficult on a mouse, as you need to be super accurate.
You’ll get a grid of five poses with bars, and a pose will “fall” down the bar, and once the pose appears in the circle, you have to click it.
For each pose that you get given, you’ll get one of four ratings: Miss, Great, Good or Perfect, depending on how accurate your pose clicking ended up.
Both players will have to do a number of poses, and the end of the Pose Sync Battle, Lana announces who got the highest score for the poses, and whoever came last gets eliminated from the competition.
You don’t have to do the poses yourself, you are just clicking, and DTI will animate your character on stage to make it look like you’re doing these poses.
It kinda feels a bit like Let’s Dance, and it’s fun to do, and fun to watch other players do it too.
How To Vote In Dress To Impress Style Showdown
Once the round is finished, each player gets to walk down the runway and do poses at the end.
You don’t get very long compared to a normal round of DTI, but pose, as you want people to vote for you.
Once everyone has walked, we all end up in a row on the stage, and you get to vote for your favorite outfits.
You don’t give a number of stars this time, you just click the star on the outfit of the player you like the most.
Depending on how many players are in the game, you’ll choose between your top 3, top 2 or top 1 outfit from the line-up.
Everyone chooses their favorite outfits (you cannot choose your own – obviously), and once the time is up, Lana announces the top voted players, and the lowest voted players.
It will tell you at the top of the screen how many players to vote for, and there’s loophole, because it can say vote your 3 favorites, but you can just vote 1, and this is where teamers are trying to rig the votes (again, more on that later on).
Always vote for the number is asks you, and remember, you could get a “Vote Reveal” challenge appear immediately after voting, so if you have been teaming, or not voting properly, everyone will know, and will vote against you in the next round.
Top tip: when you’re standing on the stage in the voting stage, do one singluar pose to make your outfit look the best it can. Do not spam poses, or do pose 28, as it could stop people voting for you. My fave pose for this is “Flowers” from the Valentine’s Pose Pack, as it just looks cute, and makes your outfit pop.
Once there are just three players left, you’ll be taken to the finale stage, where you’ll be placed in order for whomever got the most stars from the previous rounds.
My biggest top tip is do not take off your entire outfit when you’e in the intermission stage, because if there’s only 3 players left, you will go straight to the stage voting section for the finale.
If you remove your outift, you’ll be stood on the finale stage with nothing on, and people aren’t going to vote for someone without an outfit on. So, keep your outfit on just in case, as players leave the rounds prematurely, and you don’t want to end up losing the whole game because your removed your amazing outfit.
There is a twist though..
As part of the finale, the last 3 players stand on stage, with the player with the most stars in the middle, the player with the second number of stars on the right, and the player with the least number of stars on the left.
The twist is that the winner from the three players on stage is voted by the eliminated players. So, the players that fell through the floor with the least number of votes, are the ones that will now choose the winner.
If you were teaming or playing unfairly, this could be where the eliminated players get you back – awkward.
I also recommend doing a single pose when stood on the stage, to make your outfit look the best it can – but don’t spam your poses.
If every eliminated player left the lobby, and didn’t wait, there won’t be any losing player votes, and the winner in the middle with the most stars will be win by default.
So, if you are eliminated, don’t just leave the competition, as you get the opportunity of choosing the final winner, which is such a fun twist.
Dress To Impress Style Showdown Tactics + Tips
Every time you win a game of Style Showdown Finale, you will win one of three clothing items.
The first time I won, I got the pair of long feathered gloves, the second time I won, I got the silver headdress, and the third time I won, I got the feathered corset dress (all three items are inspired by a Kylie Jenner Thierry Mugler outfit).
So, you really want to win, so you can get one of the three awards available, but tactics are going to be your friend.
Firstly, be nice. If you’re going to run and steal all of the in-game currency on the floor, people will get annoyed, and will potentially vote you lower.
Remember, because people want the three prizes, people could be playing a game, so be aware of that.
In one round, there was a player glazing Top Model and Runway Diva player outfits, saying how amazing they were, and then we got vote reveal and she didn’t vote for anyone she’d be glazing, so just remember Vote Reveal is real.
I found it best to hide my name tag (and VIP/rank) incase people were voting against those with higher ranks.
This tactic might not be liked, but if you vote for the most amazing outfits only, the chance of you winning will be reduced, especially for the finale stage, as the eliminated players will choose their favorite from the 3 remaining players.
I’m not saying vote for the troll player wearing neon cycle shorts and nothing else, but just consider that the players you are voting for, are competition, and you want the best chance.
I mentioned this above, but do not remove your outfits in the intermission (always check the number of players left in the server), incase you’re one of only three players, as whatever you’re wearing then will be showcased on the finale stage.
Look out for teamers. I had a round and there were three players with variations of the same name, and they were voting for only eachother, and then obviously, when it came to the finale stage, the voted out players voted for the player with the same name.
So, keep an eye out for players with the same names, and also in the chat, sometimes it’ll be glaringly obvious and they’ll comment they’ll just vote for their friends.
Teaming in normal Dress To Impress doesn’t always work, but with Style Showdown, unfortunatelly, it does if there are more than 2 players.
If I saw this situation again, I’d just leave now, as there’s no way you’ll win as the eliminated teamers will vote for whomever from their team is left on the finale stage.
What Do You Win In Dress To Impress Style Showdown?
As I mentioned above, you only win one item with every round of Style Showdown you win.
You’ll get gloves in one round, the headdress in another round, and the dress in another round.
When you win the round, you’ll get a pop-up screen to show you which prize you won, so here’s a look at the gloves you can win.
They are over the elbow long PVC gloves, with feathers around the the top.
There are no toggles for the gloves, but you can change the color of the gloves and the feathers.
Here’s a look at the headdress you can win. There are no toggles for this, but you can change the color of the metal and the dangling jewels.
Lastly, here’s the dress you can win, and you have multiple toggles for this one.
You can have the dress as a default, with feathers around the bottom, feathers around the hips, and a corset top.
You can choose to have the dress as just a corset with or without the feathers around the bottom.
You can also choose the skirt with and without the feathers around the top.
It’s absolutely gorgeous, and so worth the effort to win, as it looks amazing, and is so beautifully designed.
When Style Showdown first launched, if you won a round, you won a pair of gloves, or a dress, or a headdress.
However, late yesterday, DTI updated the game so that now if you win a round of Style Showdown, you’ll win the Style Showdown badge.
If you won yesterday, sadly, you will not have won the badge (which sucks), but you’ll need to play again so you win this badge.
If you’ve already won the gloves, the dress and the headdress (like me), if you win again, you’ll win the badge (if you haven’t already), but you’ll also win two more prizes, which weren’t awarded yesterday, so this is brand new.
You’ll win $200 in in-game currency, which is an amazing prize.
But, you’ll also win 100 stars which is incredible. These are the normal stars for Dress To Impress, and not just for Style Showdown, so this will be a great way to help rank up to the next rank within the game, and help you get those rank rewards.
Dress To Impress Permanent VIP Giveaway
To celebrate the Dress To Impress Style Showdown update, I’m going to be giving away THREE PERMANENT VIP passes; one permanent VIP pass for three lucky winners.
I am going to give three different people a permanent VIP pass, and to enter the giveaway, it’s super simple.
You just need to leave a comment below via my comment form, and tell me which item you’d love Dress To Impress to add to the game in the future.
It could be a piece of clothing or an item, but please let me know in your comment, and make sure you leave your email address in the comment form (in the email address box), so I can email you if you win.
The three winners will be chosen at random, and my Dress To Impress Permanent VIP Giveaway will end on March 27th, and I will email all three winners.
I will also comment on the three winning comments, so you can see who the winners are.
I’ll then add the three winners on Roblox as friends, so I can join a game with them, to gift the VIP pass to them. Good luck!
- Only ONE entry per person. If you leave more than one comment, I will delete the extras. It needs to be fair for everybody.
- Only ONE entry per comment – you cannot enter for other people within your comment.
- The three winners will be chosen at random.
- If you win, and you already own VIP, you can choose one of the other game passes (Custom Makeup, 2 X Money, Run Faster, Increased Item Limit)
- I will email the winners on the 28th of March – please do not comment to chase the winners.
I really hope they would add trading.
Thank you for the guide, I need all the help I can get. I would love rings.
Thank you so much! I’m definitely going to use these strategies 👍
Thank you so much Lulu, my number one biggest supporter 🖤
This game mode is actually so fun, it’s even better when players vote honestly
It is!!! Have you won yet? I don’t think we can do private servers 😓 but you can join friends in the lobby so I could meet you there! Just make sure never to speak to a friend in the chat as people vote friends lower as they think they’re teaming 🙊
I did! The set is absoulutely stunning. I think I like this version more than the regular gamemode! (^▽^)
Yay for winning! It feels so fresh and exciting compared to the other game mode. I love the challenges like item lock and limited items too 😍
This advice will really save my butt, since I’m barely dipping my toes into DTI😭
(Not sure is there are chunky boots, but would love those)
Oh I forgot to say, I found the immunity statue in the the corner of the room and when I clicked on it, it asked me if I wanted to purchase it or not. BUT, in another round, the statue moved, (to the makeup chairs this time) and I clicked on it again, and it said that I got the immunity Idol thing (I didn’t purchase anything). I was about to use it but my tablet died, so.. but it was pretty cool!
Ooh I’ve not seen the statues!! How big are they? That is really cool especially if you can get it for free. I paid the 249 Robux 😓
They’re not too big, If I remember correctly, they were like little bronze statues of Lana holding a torch?
Hii the new Style Showdown gamemode is soo fun! Did u guys see how jealoused Lina was in her account?? I think there’s gonna be a twist where she takes over thr Style Showdown thinging (idk whats wrong with me) but I want DTI to add mini quests, like finish three games, win three times. I would appreciate if u can give me vip my name is chiara btw good bye!
PS my email ch************@gm***.com
Hi i think it would be great if dti added a cross body sash, and maybe you could even type out what you wanted it to say. I would love to have VIP but i would also like it if you just friended me. tysm for the guide its so helpfull. btw my roblox user is iheart_hashtags.
I really love these guides that you’re giving! i still need to win the dress tho 😞
i hope dti adds rings cus it would make the hands look so much more bedazzled!
Ok so I played style showdown and the first theme was “denim queen” or something like this (the prompt was to dress in all denim) and only 2 people in the entire service dressed in denim INCLUDING myself😭 You had one job!😂 And then nobody voted for me…
Btw everybody I actually won the last vip giveaway, so you should write a comment and try your luck too)
Gahh that sucks so much!! I could join a round with you and see if I can help by dressing badly on purpose so I can stay until the end to vote you as the winner – it worked for another reader I did it for haha xx
i really want the dress but i never win couse no one ever likes my outfits it sucks